King Optics Canada is not affiliated with any other companies listed on the internet under similar names. We are sometimes confused with unrelated companies that do not sell our authentic products. We are pleased to answer any question you may have on our products.
About Us
King Optics proud to introduce the world's finest, most sophisticated, high-quality optics for the outdoorsman who demands superior performance and reliability.

Our company's mission is to provide the latest, technologically-advanced optical products, exclusively designed and crafted for a lifetime of trouble-free use. With 40 years knowledge gained in the field, under the harsh Canadian environment, we have designed and developed optical products which will perform and provide dependable service under extreme conditions.
Our optics are field tested prior to sale. Our riflescopes are designed, engineered, handcrafted, and assembled here in Canada. Using the finest material and highest-quality glass lenses, our highly-skilled craftsman take great pride in their work to provide the quality, performance, and reliability you demand for your money.
You will notice that we do not barrage you with all sorts of marketing and technical language which most consumers are not familiar with. That's because we know that one look through our optics and you will instantly notice the difference and the value provided.